Protect yourself


Speeding ambulance in city street with zoom effect

You may have been enjoying yourself at a party, shopping at your favourite destination or driving home from the gym, and things suddenly take a turn for the worse after a moment’s inattention. In cases such as these, Private Medical Insurance can cover private treatment without delay in clean, comfortable surroundings with the very best medical attention.

Should your illness or injury keep you away from work for a considerable period of time, there are provisions to ensure that you benefit from a regular income.

Most important of all, should you suffer the pain and stress of a critical illness, a Critical Illness Protection Scheme will ensure that you receive a tax free lump sum to alleviate the strain and offer the peace of mind that a sizeable monetary payment can bring.


We’ll also be happy to advise you about other types of insurance that may be suitable in protecting your company against Key Workers becoming sick or passing away :

  • Keyman Insurance
  • Shareholder Protection


If you didn’t find the insurance you were looking for in our selection please contact our highly experienced team to discuss your specific requirements.

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